Tuesday 11 September 2012

5 Podcasts That Will Help You Build a Thriving Lifestyle Business

We spend a lot of time waiting, commuting and in general, doing nothing.

But you don?t have to just ?waste? all that time. You can use it to learn how to build a lifestyle business, write down ideas and plan your glorious escape from the 9-to-5.

It all comes down to finding the right podcasts with the right information.

And today I have a list of five business podcasts that fit the bill.

They don?t cost a penny, so it?s like a free lifestyle business education when you listen and implement what you learn.

And just a heads-up, I will be launching my own podcast very, very soon, so keep an eye out for that.

Here we go.

1. Smart Passive Income Podcast

Smart Passive Income PodcastPat Flynn is the guy behind the Smart Passive Income Podcast.

I?ve seen Pat grow his blog from almost zero to tens of thousands of readers.

He knows what he?s doing, and he shares everything on his blog and on his podcast. I always get new ideas when I?m listening to Pat or reading his stuff.

This whole post was actually inspired by Pat?s post on the 4 top business blogging podcasts. That?s the post where I discovered many of the podcasts below, so thank you, Pat!

Here are three of my favorite episodes:

2. Foolish Adventure Show

Foolish Adventure ShowI discovered the Foolish Adventure show thanks to Pat?s post above, and it?s a blast to listen to.

The show started off with two hosts, Izzy and Tim, then Izzy dropped out and now it?s just Tim.

Tim is a long-haired, unconventional business consultant, who tends to go on weird tangents, but somehow he always ends up making sense.

Must be some kind of superpower of his.

He has a fresh perspective on internet business, because he comes from the brick & mortar world.

It?s good stuff. I?ve almost gone through all of the episodes. I?ve gotten lots of great ideas and implemented a bunch of them, so definitely check out what Tim is up to.

Here are three episodes I think you should listen to:

3. Internet Business Mastery

Internet Business MasteryThe Internet Business Mastery podcast is run by Jeremy and Jason.

They?ve been around since 2005. I could be wrong on the exact date, but they?ve been doing the podcast for a long, long time, so they?ve got a lot of experience and a lot of great tips to share when it comes to building your internet business.

They focus on beginners, so if you?re just starting out, this is perfect for you.

And even though I?ve been at this for a while, I still get great ideas when I tune in, because 80%+ of building a thriving lifestyle business is in the fundamentals.

Here are three of my favorite episodes:

4. Lifestyle Business Podcast

Lifestyle Business PodcastThen we have the Lifestyle Business Podcast, hosted by Dan and Ian.

I discovered these guys thanks to my good friend, Karol Gajda. He told me I had to listen to them, so I did, and I?m glad I did.

Dan and Ian seem to live all over the place, but they primarily hang out in Asia. They actually sell hard-goods (I think cat furniture was mentioned somewhere ;) ).

So, like Tim, they have an interesting perspective.

Even if your goal is to build an online business, they still have great tips, and they still run their own podcasts and membership site, so there?s a lot of gold to be found here.

Here are three episodes filled with awesomeness:

5. BlogCast FM

BlogCast FMSrini is the guy behind BlogCast FM. I?ve seen him build BlogCast FM from the ground up. I was actually one of the first people he interviewed.

If you want to see me sweat on my first public interview, you can find it here.

Listening to that interview just shows me how far I?ve come, and how essential it is to take action and keep moving forward.

All in all, BlogCast FM is a fantastic podcast with a great host.

Here are three of my favorite episodes:

There are many, many other podcasts that did not make it onto this list that are fantastic, but these are the ones I?m listening to now, and I highly recommend all of them.

A Note on Overwhelm

Whatever you do, don?t get addicted to collecting information.

Choose one podcast, listen to one episode that is relevant to you right now, and implement the information.

Sit down and brainstorm how you can use what you?ve learned.

It does you no good to listen to episode after episode without doing anything.

Over to You

Like I mentioned, there are many podcasts I?ve left out of this list, and many I?ve yet to discover.

I?d like to hear what your favorite podcast is at the moment.

Drop your tip in the comments below.

Related Posts:

Source: http://www.wakeupcloud.com/5-internet-business-podcasts/

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